Apply to Hogwarts now!

Do you want to join Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry? I don’t mean to destroy your illusions but it’s imposible; what is possible is study computing security! Studying security these days is like studying magic, so it’s barely the same.

Why do I say like magic? First of all you’ll know deep stuff that no-one knows, you’ll develop abilities that will protect yourself and others from dementors and dark creatures that are stealing your happiness and private information. If magic is not your passion, I’ll give you some more reasons.

First one, infinite good jobs. It is estimated that by 2022, security information job will increase my a 37% (BLS), its growing three times faster than any other area. But what if I am still studying. Well, undergrads earn an average of $80,000 annually, isn’t that impressive?

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I could continue with more specific resins, but I was waiting to write this post cause I didn’t wanted to just talk about something that I wouldn’t know. But I think that the most rewarding feeling and most important reason for myself to study computing security, is that feeling that I guess policeman feel when they safe someones life, or when they protect or prevent someone from an attack; now imagine doing that but with thousands of people. It might sound to fictional or inspirational, but it’s true. As the image shows, more than 80% of US companies have been hacked, and guess what. Not only the owners are affected, all the costumers as well and you’ll be able to prevent that.

There are trends that are extremely insecure, such as internet o things. When I was doing research on this matter, it’s scary, very scary. Having a camera or a micro
phone recording you 24/7 without you noticing, worse than that fact is the level of security companies of such business implement on those products, it’s seriously a joke. What this course had taught me is that we are not safe in this world, and we’ll never be. Knowing this and not dong anything, for me it’s almost unethical. I see it as spiderman does, if you could have prevented something, and you didn’t, then it was your fault.


I don’t want to mention all the reasons to study magic, oh… sorry. Security, cause I don’t want to convince anyone, I just wanted to express this notion and feeling that got me as soon as I started this course, hope I’m not the only one that feels this way.


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