How to hack a router

Are you ready to hack a wireless router?


I’ll explain it briefly, no special software. Promise it is super easy.

  1. Go to the IP direction of the router in your internet browser. Hint, it’s usually the last IP address in your network.
  2. When it prompts a couple of texts box asking for username and password, just write admin and admin respectively. If it doesn’t work try cisco for password.
  3. Enjoy.

Disclaimer… Diego’s Password is not responsible for any legal issues this tutorial may cause. Do at your own risk.

Haha, I should be a comedian. Enough of jokes (although that method will break into half of the routers in the world). This blogpost will be about wireless security.

Wireless security is the prevention of unauthorized access or damage to computers using wireless networks.

Done… Haha very funny.

I am going to list 7 ways you can secure your router and become safer in the network.




He is probably right, that would be the safest measure, but we don’t want that right!? So lets dive in!

  1. Change your default credentials. You don’t want to be hacked with the tutorial I just gave right?
  2. Change the network name as well. You can give out free information about your router!
  3. Activate encryption if possible. Always safer kids.
  4. Firewalls! Duh…
  5. Disable guest networks, you don’t want anybody “visiting” your network right!? Hace at least an easy password and give it out to your clients id that the porous of your network.
  6. Use VPN as much as possible. If you are operating server communications, make it secure with a VPN.
  7. Last but not least… Update! Update! Update! I am going to make that a song. Very very important, please do it.

If you follow these simple steps, you’ll be un-hackable! Not really, but you’ll avoid 90% of attacks.

Firewall super easy tutorial right here, for step number 4. No excuses anymore.

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